The "Fat Rabbit" Motor Neurone Disease Research Grant.
Here is an inspiring story of a terminally ill Queensland man, who committed to raise money for medical research.
In 2015 at age 58, Wayne Patterson was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease. MND has no cure and no treatment. Patients typically live 2 to 5 years after diagnosis. The disease attacks the nerves attached to muscles and victims lose the ability to speak, move and breathe while still being fully aware mentally.
Wayne Patterson decided to make the most of his time left by writing children’s books about a loving character that shows values that we all should have. Fat Rabbit lives on Carrot Top Island in the Sea of Saucer with his many friends.
Wayne passed away in October 2018. He always felt blessed that he had been given enough time to cram in lots of exciting adventures and fun, family times.
Visit Wayne’s website, to discover the world of Fat Rabbit.
All funds raised from the books, donations and events go towards research into motor neurone disease and perhaps in the future, Wayne’s grandchildren will see a cure for this disease.
The "Fat Rabbit MND Research Grant" has been set up with MND Research Institute of Australia. For this Grant to be awarded each year the Fat Rabbit Community needs to raise a minimum of $50,000pa through the sale of books, merchanise, donations and events. This is your chance to be part of the solution to end MND. Join the Fat Rabbit Team and help us in the fight against MND.

In 2015, aged 58, Wayne Patterson was diagnosed with terminal Motor Neurone Disease and was ‘given’ 2 to 5 years. MND has no known cause, no effective treatment and there is no cure. It attacks the limbs, breathing and swallowing of its victims but leaves the mind intact.
Predictably Wayne went through all the typical stages from denial through to anger and finally, acceptance. He reflected on the many things he had achieved in his lifetime, from humble beginnings as a motor mechanic to being a successful CEO of multi-million dollar companies and, more importantly, a father and husband. Wayne's creed had always been to make the best of the hand that you have been dealt, hence his decision to leave a legacy for his children and future grandchildren in the form of the FAT RABBIT series.
Following Wayne's diagnosis, his one regret was that he would not grow old with his future grandchildren nor be able to share with them the stories his own children grew up with. Wayne's voice was already deteriorating and would shortly go forever. Hence Fat Rabbit moved from aural history to written. Through Fat Rabbit Wayne's voice will go on forever.
Wayne passed away in October 2018. His hope was that people all over the world would enjoy the Fat Rabbit series and the knowledge that funds raised go towards Motor Neurone research.
Wayne Patterson
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