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of $1,500 goal
Hi everyone, My name is Jessica Curr and I'm fundraising money to help people living with MND also known as Motor Neurone Disease, a little easier. I am fundraising money in loving memory of my beautiful Aunty Maree who battled MND for 2 years and has sadly passed away before I could do this event. MND is one of those insidious diseases that we don't have a cure for yet. The disease is very fast and is very debilitating as you lose muscle tone, the ability to feed, to care for yourself, to mobilise and even the ability to talk to family and friends. It was a huge shock to our whole family and it took time for the news to sink in that Maree had this terminal disease with a life expectancy of 6 months to 3 years to live. It was hard to imagine how this vibrant, gorgeous lady who loved life, to being fully cared for by her family and carers. There was this great technology that helped us to communicate with Maree, and through MND they were lucky to get one called an eye gazer which was fantastic as she was once again able to communicate her family and friends. The funds I raise will contribute in helping other families in similar situations and hope to make their lives a little easier, less stressful and hoping to help find a cure to this horrible disease. Just a little about my fundraising event for MND. I will be cutting my beautiful long hair in September. I have been growing my hair for the last 7 years in preparation for Prom and planning all this time to raise money and donate my hair to the live wig foundation for the unfortunate people who lose there hair from cancer or wish to wear a live wig. You can help by donating money now and or attend on the night and watch my hair being cut, spend some money and have a good time. I will let you know the date and time of this event Together we can make a difference together,. Thank you for all your support.
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